I have a weird buzz issue; can you help me solve the problem?

Hi - my integrated amp has a 25db persistent buzzing noise; I need help figuring out how to solve this problem.

Here’s my system:
CODA CSiB integrated amp - custom tuned to produce 25w Class A power before switching to Class B
Lumin T2 streamer/DAC
Dynaudio Focus 380 speakers
Audience AR2-T2 power conditioner w/Audience power cable
Audience AU24 speaker cable
Cardas Clear M power cable
Purist Venustas Luminist Revision RCA interconnect
Synergistic Research TeslaPlex SE outlet
Shunyata Venom Defender

Some background:
I’ve had the CODA integrated for about 5 years. The remainder of my system has come on-line subsequently (I had different speakers initially). Within a few months of purchase, I noticed a buzzing noise coming from the speakers whenever the amp was powered on (bias “on”), but no noise in standby mode (bias off). I took it back to the manufacturer, who plugged the amp into their dedicated circuit and it was dead quiet. I had the same experience taking it to a local audio shop. Thinking that it might be a noisy circuit, the local shop loaned me a lesser priced solid-state amp (I forget which brand) to bring home. I hooked up the shop’s integrated to my system and.....it was dead quiet. Now I was confused. 

A dealer loaned me a completely different system with a tubed integrated, different speakers and cables. There was even a worse buzz coming from this system than from mine. I went back to living with my system and forgetting about the buzz.

Fast forward 4+ years. I have moved to a new house in a new state. Unfortunately, the buzz remains :-( I even tried plugging the system into what the electrician was sure was one dedicated line in the house (it was in the kitchen, so I had to run an extension cord to where my audio system lived). Still, the buzz remains.

I really love the sound of my system, but this persistent buzz is a (ahem) buzz kill (sorry for the predictable and bad pun). 

I would love to get some thoughts on what I can do to get rid of this damn noise. Please help!

Thanks for all the suggestions. I was busy today walking the dog then doing some interior painting. I will dig into this tomorrow and give you some feedback. 

I agree, given that I have the same problem in a second house, it seems unlikely to be the electrical system at my new home. OK, all for now.

Thanks again.
Did want to share some additional info:

I originally started with balanced interconnects (had a Sony HAPZ-1ES at the time), and the buzz was present. As far as I can determine, the buzz has been with me since I got the integrated. I switched to single ended cables as they sounded better with my Sony. Before I try to find the “right” cables for the Lumin T2 (which I just purchased) I thought I would try again to solve the buzz problem.

Someone a long time ago recommended shorting plugs in the empty inputs. Can anyone point me to some shorting plugs I can try?
@mwsl , @imhififan  made a good suggestion above! Before you do anything else, simply run the amp with nothing other than the speakers connected. Does it buzz? No => ground loop issue is likely; yes => defect in the equipment or a noisy AC line is the issue.

Simply listen to the Steely Dan song, "I'm through with Buzz" (Pretzel Logic). It likely won't help but could provide a brief distraction.
@ mwsl OP

RCA plugs can be bought here
I think Cardas sells XLR shorting plugs & there are a ton of speaker shorting plugs on eBay.