Speaker cable arrows???

I bought a used pair of Silverline Audio's Conductor cables. Plugged them in 
and was very pleased with the neutral sound I was getting. Bare wire to the 
speakers, and bananas on the amp end. Then I realized that the arrows on 
the cables where pointing towards the amp. OOPS, I reversed the path 
direction, and couldn't hear any difference. Zero.
My preference would be to have the bananas on the amp end.

Can I disobey the arrows, and run the cables effectively backwards?

Cables, inductors, capacitors, resistors, power cords, transformers, fuses. They’re all conductors. And all wire is inherently better-sounding in one direction vs the other. It’s not really brain 🧠 surgery.
Geoff, nice to see you still have your square peg this morning. Same hammer?

Andy I think L1 and L2 would have been enough.
Yup, same hammer, different square peg. At least you are consistent ... or is that predictable?
Amazing! I must be feeling even better now, doing the RIGHT thing. 😯 
No need to investigate OCD, now going to listen to the correctly flowing sound if music. 
Very good in deed, though not so sure the OP feels any better, still listening to cable ass-ways first being his actual esthetic preference... 🙄