Apogee stage manual speaker distance chart

Does anyone else but me not understand the chart that's in the apogee manual about speaker distance to the rear wall? I've scoured the net looking for someone as stupid as me but, alas, I have failed. Any help out there?
09-13-11: Whiznant
Anybody check out that chart in the above link? Able to make any sense of it?
yeah, it's easy! ;-)

OK, so I'm assuming that "Diagram No 4" (which seems to be page 7 of 14 in the PDF) you comprehend, correct?

you must be talking about the table/chart on page "-7-" (which is page 10 of 14 in the PDF)?
Basically this chart is telling you how much tilt back you need to have - the 6 1/2 inches, 5 inches is the tilt back.

So, let's take an example: the 1st row - if you are seated 6' from the speaker and you have the Stages 3' from the wall behind the speaker, make sure that you have 6 1/2 inches of tilt back.
He's shown you how to measure tilt back - go back one page & you'll see that diagram of the Stage speaker. Towards the bottom, you'll see "Refer to text" near the arrow. That distance is measuring the linear distance between the plumb-bob & the rear of the Stage speaker, which is a measure of tilt-back.

Another example: if you are seated 14' from the speaker & have the Stages 3' from the wall behind the speaker, then, make sure that you have 4" of tilt back.

In Apogee speakers tilt back ensures that the drivers integrate at the listening position. The further away you sit from the speakers, the less the tilt back (4" vs. 6 1/2 inches).
They (Stages) were about the easiest speakers to place I ever had.
I could never hear the sound coming from the individual speaker or driver.
Bombaywalla, thanks for your response. I'm at work presently but when I get off and have time to analyze your explanation I'll chime back and let you know. Thanks so much.

Rgs92, I've never been able to make my stages disappear but then again I've never really had the proper room for them either. I'm getting ready to move so I'm gonna try to find a room that'll accommodate them. Wish me luck. In general, have you (or whom ever is reading this) had better luck with the speakers firing down the room or across it?

Pause for station identification...

Andrew, if your're reading this, it's Whiznant, the guy with the Kuro.
Ok. Had a chance to examine your explanation. Currently on the way back from RMAF'n it up and my buddy is driving so I'm typing.

What you are saying is exactly what I assumed. I did have one apephany though. I thought that the distance from the rear wall was a suggested distance as opposed to that being totally arbitrary. I guess the thing that throws me off about the chart is the blank spaces under the 4' column. Have any light to shed there?

As a for instance, what would be the tilt back for a listening distance of 6' and the speakers 4' from the back wall? And why is there a measurement for tilt back at 3' but not 4'?

Thanks you for your detailed explanation above.