In the middle of a pandemic, Stereophile reviews ~ $30K equipment

While the world is in the middle of a major economic event, the last two pieces of gear posted by Stereophile to their online site average $30K a piece.

If this doesn't make you feel like you belong to their target audience I don't know what will.

It may be challenging to find the only standmount- B 01-I refer to as simply spelling the web site is a daunting task.

I cut and pasted this:

2 way Compact Monitor Loudspeaker

This 2 way speaker will tell the story, playing with unbelievable power, musical richness and ease.

The beautiful finish with walnut veneer is flawlessly crafted and flows lightly on its stand, making the 01 a desirable furniture in all modern homes.

awarren poses an analogy which is pretty much the last word on why 
we need to drool. 
Well done sir!!



I looked it up myself but google did not bring me to any "$32000 standmount speaker" so I thought I’d ask. I have never heard of BØRRESEN. Somehow, design of their floorstanders reminds me of Sonus Faber.

In case anyone is interested...

EDIT: Hey, I am not that bad..."The Børresen 01 has a cabinet inspired by Sonus faber and utilizes the concept of minimum mass."
My answer to OP: I don’t care!
They’re just reviews.

It’s certainly no great revelation that there are expensive things in this world.
Let’s move on.
Hi End Audio is based upon fantasy and expectation bias. Welcome to the New Depression and the end (almost) of the Hi End!