Distortion on the Power Line

I have a couple of PS Audio Power Plants.
The distortion off the wall has typically been 3.5 to  4.0.  For the last week it has been over 7%.  I checked around the house and can see no changes.  Anyone have any ideas what it is?  Have Russian Hackers moved in next door?  People huddling at home on their computers?

Believe it or not, power companies may be interested if you get the right person. High THD is not to their benefit or liking.
Ok.... so i tried going through the whole house....turned all the breakers off and turned them on one at a time and watched the meter. No change.

Did you try listening? Its easy to hear. The few times I've done this for people they have all been surprised how big a difference it made. Yet another example of the inadequacy of meters.
I officially recuse myself from this thread as I saw the writing on the wall outlet a long time ago and hopped off the grid about four years ago and never looked back. 👀 No more crappy AC house power, floating grounds, no more power cords, interconnects, no more speaker cables the size of anacondas, no more big honking transformers, no more fuses. They all produce noise and distortion. If you can tolerate noise and distortion more power to you. As Bob Dylan says at the end of all his records, good luck to everybody!
I had the power company come out.  They found nothing unusual.  I have tried listening to my set up and can hear no hum etc.  Frequency is determined by the grid operators counties away..  He said power use is way up because everyone is home clacking away.   I will continue to troubleshoot my house i guess...check sockets for loose wires etc.  I did find a timer that has been running for 15 years without my noticing....whole house fan.   Thanks again for the effort and happy listening everyone.