In the middle of a pandemic, Stereophile reviews ~ $30K equipment

While the world is in the middle of a major economic event, the last two pieces of gear posted by Stereophile to their online site average $30K a piece.

If this doesn't make you feel like you belong to their target audience I don't know what will.

Hi End Audio is based upon fantasy and expectation bias. Welcome to the New Depression and the end (almost) of the Hi End!

>>>>is there a Report Drama Queen button?

Borresen? A bit late to the game! Magico’s first speaker was a stand-mount that cost $29K/pair! Years ago! And it was on the cover of TAS, where Jonathan Valin gave it a drool-worthy review!

>>>>Is there anything Valin didn’t give a drool-worthy review to?
">>>>Is there anything Valin didn’t give a drool-worthy review to?"
Magic Pebbles?
Stereophile means nothing, nor does any Danish audio company really except Gryphon. But this subject touches on some social fundamentals. Quarter of the working people sit at home doing non-essential work that only increases the cost of everything and facilitates the further development of the surveillance state. They often get paid quite well. For what and by whom ? And essential workers without whom things would fall apart quickly are having quite a different reality, including very often but not always low pay and high risk of getting infected. They also became the reservoir of the infection along with some other groups. 
Yeah, I saw those pictures of crowds in Brooklyn, in Central Park and other places in NYC. Level of brain power and solidarity are incredible. What kind of music would you play to them ?
"...nor does any Danish audio company really except Gryphon."
No love for Ortofon? Still bringing something to those who can afford almost nothing.

On a non-audio note about Denmark. Cafeteria at Copenhagen Business School, managed by students of business school, went bankrupt.