There are good reasons to tin copper - prevents degradation to the cable. Interestingly enough electricity passes on the outside of a wire - so it makes sense for not letting it degrade.
I bought some vertere interconnects - they were superb - not too expensive either. I read the website about the research and how they work - then eventually saw that they use tinned copper.
I happen to have a Lavardin amp and splashed out on some Nordost Heimdeil 2 speaker cables - what a waste of money - I contacted Lavardin and they told me to buy the cheapest Nordost or else DNM cables.
I think the OP should be aware that speaker cables are very amp specific - check out the DNM website - it explains it much better than me.
Out of interest what is the jury on the Dueland cables as interconnect and which guage
I bought some vertere interconnects - they were superb - not too expensive either. I read the website about the research and how they work - then eventually saw that they use tinned copper.
I happen to have a Lavardin amp and splashed out on some Nordost Heimdeil 2 speaker cables - what a waste of money - I contacted Lavardin and they told me to buy the cheapest Nordost or else DNM cables.
I think the OP should be aware that speaker cables are very amp specific - check out the DNM website - it explains it much better than me.
Out of interest what is the jury on the Dueland cables as interconnect and which guage