Any love for the Belles Aria or other recent Belles amplifier?

I recently heard a Belles 150a Hotrod with Triangle Zerius speakers and a transformer volume control.  The sound is one of the most compelling pairings I have heard.  I am considering purchasing a used 350a or a new Aria or 150a ref. v2.

Has anyone spent time with one, two or all three of these amplifiers?  I'd like to spend as little as possible but still have an outstanding match with the easy-to-drive Zerius.  I like the idea of an integrated if it sounds as good as the bigger amps just with less output power.

Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
He is a great designer.  Many great ones out there, but most folks don't know about their gear etc...  This is why the brick and mortar stores are so important and why I frequent them when purchasing.  You can hear gear and how it pairs with what you own.  

I'm sure Johnny can answer any questions about the age of a piece or how it sounds compared to todays offerings.
Hey all... 

  found this thread doing research and felt compelled to resurrect it with a comment.....I couldn’t agree more with what ctsooner said above about “brick and mortar” audio retailers. I found my Belles Soloist 1 at Overture Audio in Ann Arbor used in 2015. Since then, I’ve replaced every other component in my system with no plans to replace the Belles. I’m running a Transparent cable loom that costs more than the Amp, a Mytek Brooklyn DAC+, ATC SCM 40v2 towers and a REL S/3 SHO and I am truly happy with that set up. Point is, I would’ve never considered the Soloist 1 or even known it existed unless someone at Overture took the time to educate me about David Belles and his handmade audio gems. I’m very happy with mine and I can’t imagine ever finding a better solid state integrated for the money....
I've heard the Belles running some really expensive gear and it fit right in.  I think it's because it has plenty of current to run difficult speaker loads and it's tonally balanced.  I believe that's why I've never heard anyone say they don't like the sound.  Others may get a higher priced integrated like an Aesthetix Mimas, but nothing negative about the Aria or newer mono's etc..  I love the fact that I can tell friends to get the Belles and I'll never look bad. lol.
On a somewhat related note, and sorry to hijack, but was anyone ever able to locate a schematic for a Belles Model Two.   These older units are not supported and i have buzz on mine....thanks