How good is the Lector CD player?

I have a friend that is so over the top,with satisfaction,that he is literally telling me to sell my Levinson 390s to buy this unit.I know it has gotten some good press,but doubt if I'm ready to sell my wonderful 390s,in favor of this unit.Any thoughts?Thanks.
Just keep in mind that the perfomance you get with any cdp is system dependent. In one setup, depending on the player's synergy with that system it can sound awesome and in a different setup the same player can sound average or below. So much depends on the match of electronics and speakers with the player. So take everyone's, and I mean everyone's opinion about this player with that in mind. (with a huge grain of salt!!) The bottom line is how it will sound in your setup in your room. You won't know that until you have a listen. I have had very good gear here that just didn't sound good in my system- without careful matching of components you just can't get that optimum perfomance. Some of it is luck unless you know of proven systems and even then the room can muck up the works.
The previoos member is correct.
The sound and performance is system dependent.
I for one have had the opportunity to audition both the Lector and the Bluenote in my system.
I have a friend who owns the Stibbert and was very impressed with the sonics.
I brought my Lector 7TL over and we did some comparison listening.
In his system the Stibbert walked all over the Lector.
I was able to pry the Stibbert out of his hands for a week
and did some comparison listening in my system and found nearly the same results.
Better bottom end,soundstaging,effortless detail and the depth of field wasn't even close.
Going back to the Lector I found it flat and dark regardless of the tubes used.
Yes,it did take me forever to get my Lector and I am not surprised that member darealjaydee waited 2 months to just come up empty handed.
It just always seemed to be one excuse after another before I finally got my 7TL,however,I tolerated the wait and was satisfied once I had the 7tl in my system.
After hearing the Stibbert and having checked on the company's reputaion for availability I hope it will not take me as long to sell my Lector as it took to get it.
I say good thing member darealjaydee got his money back.
Go buy the Stibbert(they actually really make them)
WOW! sounds like Lector has a problem getting product over here.
The problem maybe with the distribution or customs.
At least people are getting their money back(hopefully in full)
I noticed in the thread that the Dist. jumped in and said he had stock on 10/06.
I guess this may have not been true after all.
I say buy a good established brand.
I do have to say that I now hear that the new Bluenote players have resolved all reliability issues,(except for their distributor)
I have been using the Ayre player with great results to date.
Ayre is right here in the US and is found in first tier audio shops.
If you're looking to buy a Lector you should think about buying one from Harry Pearson(Absolute Sound)
I believe he has inventory.
He seems to be one of the few that has no problem getting Lector products.( and reviews them well)
He actually commented in one of his reviews how the Lector went up in price after his initial review.
By his comments I sense this left a bad taste in his mouth regarding Lector distribution.
He has since reviewed the Bluenote Stibbert and compares it with the finest players presently out there at any price.
On this I must agree.
He must have a thing for Italians(cd players that is)
Regardless of how good the Lector is, in a reviewers eyes or with the general public,it makes me very apprehensive
about owning a Lector.Any buyers out there????
Lector ... through Artistic Audio Imports. Earlier this year there was a US importer/distributor problem, to put it mildly, but was named the new national distributor and things improved/settled down, or at least enough for me to receive my Lector finally ... after months of waiting. Hopefully the situation has remained stable, but I don't know this.

I picked up the MkII version of the 06T, not their top-of-the-line model, but certainly a very good player. I'm very pleased with it, and I suspect it will sound even better once I've put a couple of hundred hours on it. I was advised to leave it on 24/7 for additional sonic improvement, but I've not done that.

I'm not in a position to do an A/B comparison, but I've got to add that the Unico CDP that I bought/used while waiting for my Lector was also a very satisfying player, especially considering how little they cost. Not a big nostalgia aficionado, so not willing to question the satisfaction I have with the Lector. It's a very fine player ... and Brian at Venus Hi-Fi gave me a price a couldn't refuse (it was drop-shipped from aaudioimports once shipments reached the US)