Harbeth 7es2 vs Harbeth 7es3

I'm curious to what difference these speakers have. I researched a Harbeth 7es2 for sale. The seller claimed the woofer was replaced with the woofer from the Harbeth 7es3 by a dealer and the dealer claims the woofer speakers are identical with both models. Any input would be appreciated.
In the Harbeth User's Group, regarding the new C7ES3 vs the C7ES2, Alan Shaw states:

"I think the differences between the C7ES2 and C7ES3 have been documented here or on the main Harbeth web site ....

They are:

C7ES3 has ....

1. A new woofer
2. A new tweeter
3. A new crossover
4. Revisions to the cabinet damping arrangement that would be difficult to retro-fit to ES2 cabinets
5. Longer ports
6. Single wire, not bi-wire terminals

A Compact 7ES3 is the sum of all these parts and any lesser combination is not, technically a Compact 7ES3. At this time, and especially because of item 4 above, there is no upgrade path and we do not want to have a half-way situation between C7ES2 and 3 whereby 1, 2, 3, and 5 are upgraded but not item 4 (the cabinet)."

Based on the above, the C7ES2 and C7ES3 woofers are not identical.
Somebody's fibbing somewhere.....

the 7-2's and 7-3's are somewhat close in overall sound, but the 7-3's have tighter, deeper bass, overall clarity is way up, more detail. If you can find a nicely priced 7-2, not one that has been messed with, you'll be very happy.
I can't imagine the said speaker working properly, different crossover, etc.....I'd pass if I were you.
Good luck!
Personally I would pass on a speaker that has been modified, especially by third parties. Similarly like Chashas1, I would pick an original C7ES2 over a modified speaker. You wouldn't know the quality of workmanship of the modified speaker and the true performance of the originally designed speaker.

Good luck.
I own a pair of C7ES2 and have the upgrade itch. It may just be cabin fever. I was wondering what I would gain by upgrading to the C7ES3.
a much tighter, seemingly lower bass, for one.
also an increase in clarity.
definitely noticeable.