
I own the below system and I am looking for an improvement by upgrading one of the components (budget $2000-3000).

-Graham Audio LS5/8 (large BBC studio monitor speakers)
-Analysis Plus Oval 9 speaker cables
-Mark Levinson ML 23.5 power amp (completely recapped by Madrigal technician)
-Audio Research LS 5 MKII preamp (restored and new tubes)
-VPI Prime turntable with -Dynavector 20x2 H cartridge
-Parasound JC3+ phonostage

Quite standard power cords and interconnects, no power conditioner.

What change would make a significant difference? Larger soundstage, more liquid, open sound without loosing the dynamic punch?

Thank you for your time and I would appreciate any ideas.
Rogue RP7 with a Musical Fidelity M6s PRX.  For new gear, on your budget I think that would be pretty fabulous.  
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As your current system seems well done I will assume your acoustic treatments are also well done.

I tend to think I'd sell the older ML amp and shop for a 6-12 month
old, one owner Pass Labs XA25. Can be had for $3k.

That will give you the low end slam you want as well as better
overall experience. 

You already have the tube preamp so good synergy with SS Class A

My 2 cents worth.

Please keep us posted on your results.
Isolators under your ARC, I have Nimbus under my REF5se...

arrange to borrow an HRS Turntable platform
Thank you all!!
I will try different power cords, IC’s and isolators first, before changing any of the other components. Thanks again for all your suggestions