How do you share the sweet spot?

 My 2.1 set up  only pleasures me when i sit or walk in the sweet zone. If I have guests over, I dislike sharing my position so they can experience the sound stage.  Is there anything one can do to share the sweet spot? Is a 4.1 or 4.2 set up the solution? Does the speaker, gear, position and set up dictate overall experience?(I'm sure it does)
How do you guys share the sweet spot? 
Is it ok to be sweet spot selfish? I feel that being an "audiophile" is also sharing the experience. 
Your thoughts please. Thank You!

I only let music lovers in the sweet spot.
If they're not music lovers, there's no point to it.  I have no audiophile visitors.
Amazingly, my jazz loving friends instinctively make a bee-line to the sweet spot.  They've never heard the terms 'sweet spot' or 'imaging' as it applies to music..and don't care.  All they know is that something really special is happening while they're sitting in 'that' chair.  Only the jazz lovers instinctively go there and sit for a while.  
The sweet spot has nothing to do with whatever you were talking about.
 But FWIW you can hear OHMs all over the room to satisfy everyone.

I agree 100% about the Magico S1. I have a Pair of Magico S1MKII and the off axis frequency response is damn good. The best part is they disappear really well and throw a great soundstage too. In the sweet spot they are truly incredible. They have great bass for a 2-way too. I am going to add subs to them later but for now they are great with the Hegel H360 and dCS Bartok. I had though about trading them in for a pair of Rockport Atria II but the S1 is more detailed to my ears it looks like if I want to upgrade it will be a pair of S3MKII or another Magico. Once you get used to the sound of Magico it is hard to go to another speaker. 

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Simple:  I don’t!  Let them go home and use their own rigs if being exactly in the sweet spot’s so important to them!