Reimyo DAP 777 - looking for a good transport

I bought a used Reimyo DAP 777 and I'm amazed. Some months ago I was lucky to have lived with the one box CDP 777 for a few days - which I cannot afford. The CDP sounds even more natural and organic, but the DAC offers tremendous value as you manage to get a good fraction of the one box player performance for a lot less money ...

I'm using it with my 508.24 Meridian cd player while I don't get a dedicated transport.

Which transports shoud I consider? CEC? Audio Note? What about the old Wadia's or Teac? I have also the chance of getting a Procee CDD ...

Any insights are warmly welcome :o)

How do you DAP777 owners like it? Can you compare it to anything we would know? How much is it new/used? Are there any Reimyo dealers in the USA? Thanks
I am using my Reimyo DAP777 since six mounths ,it is a great
dac, I had Vecteur L4.2 cd player being transport though it was a good match between vecteur and my old Chord dac64
I could not get same magic with Reiyo and Vecteur this combo
gave me too much flat, forward and dynamic presentation
I have listened ML39 (which is my friend s player)feeding
Reimyo this combo was perfect, my friend and I never heard
such an organic,texturel analog like presentation before.
Now I am using Audionet Art V2 transport, it really has a good synergy and I am happy with the result but some times I miss a bit punchy and crispy tones dont know this is because of my SET amplification or Audionet is a bit too soft?
I may easily live with this combo being happy but perhaps
because of the upgrade bugs or remembering ML,Reimyo combo
sound I am still in research for a best matched transport with Reimyo( I will even try a Pioneer universal player this week)so please lets share our experience in either this topic or mailing.
Pardales, The price new just went from $4495 to $5200 in part of the sagging US dollar overseas. Harmonix also just released upgraded units. Cosmeticaly they are identical they just added the same tuning feet as on the CDP-777. They also improved the PCB design to make the signal flow better, added a 1.5 meter Harmonix PC and some other internal changes I am not aware of but the total wieght of the newer version is 11.5 lbs and the older version was 10 lbs. Audio Limits is an Authorized dealer and May Audio is the US/Canada Distributor
Pardales, I listen mostly to vocalists and the detail and warmth of the human voice is very hard to get just right. To get the detail I have always used silver speaker cables. These all were a little bright with and DAC I used. The detail was awesome but every once in a while I would just wince. With the Reimyo DAP777 DAC, it is perfect. I have all the detail I want with great warmth and soundstage. I spent $2800 for a demo and it is the best money I have spent. I can't quite put my finger on it why it all works but I can't wait to listen to music anytime I am home.
Thank you both for responding to me. It sounds like the DAP777 is very transport dependent? Not that all DAC's aren't somewhat, but is this one particularly sensitive? Thanks