DeVore Orangutan O/96

The original Orangutan thread appears to have been deleted, so I'll re-start it. Did anyone hear them at In Living Stereo earlier this month? Any initial thoughts or comparisons you can offer? I'm anxious to hear them myself, but don't plan on being in the NYC area anytime soon...
I wanted to ask you possesori of devore 0/96, which was in their opinion the best positioning of the speakers.
Thank you.

ps are fabulous .. I'm two months that I have these speakers .. I'm loving it.
my system
Ciro71- I have mine in a 23 ft X 12ft room.
They are on the SHORT wall.
They are about 2.5 ft from the side wall, and thus 7ft apart.
They are pulled out 4.5-5.0 ft from the rear wall behind them.
Shoot your dealer or John an e-mail. John is busy, but he will respond to you. Of course, as you can hear, he is busy for good reason. Nice setup you have. Cheers, and enjoy!
Grzie for the answer ... parts to compliment your beautiful plant.
Faro as you ... conttatterò devore.
Thank you again.
Ciro , nice video .Can you tell me the artist, or album or song in the recording? Thanks
Ciro71- Was playing with placement last night, and wanted to give you a more accurate placement suggestion. I am set up very close to the owners manual guidelines. My room is 148" wide. The O/96's are on that wall. They are 31" from the side walls, and thus 86" (7+ ft) apart.

As far as length goes, I am pretty spot on to the manual. My long wall is 279". I am 1/5th (56") out from the rear wall. My seating position is 1/3 (93") from the wall BEHIND the listener.

I can't tell you for sure on toe in, but I do like a slight toe in. I would just experiment as per the owners manual there. I always mark my previous spot with blue tape though. I tend not to fiddle alot with placement in general. Certainly not to the extent I did with previous speakers. Hope this helps !