As evidenced in your many posts, however, you are not remotely qualified, to evaluate how well a speaker works, or does not work just by "looking at it". You don’t appear to have even the most rudimentary understanding from where I am sitting. That may be harsh, but how else am I supposed to say it. There are any number of ways that audiokinesis could have addressed the issue, and buyers always have the option not to buy.
I have circumstancial evidence by looking at the picture of the audiokinesis speaker. I have no reason to believe there is some elaborate method hidden inside the box that mounts the driver differently than the usual way. I have also seen pictures of many other high end speakers that just screw their drivers in and call it a day. I have no reason to believe otherwise with this speaker.
The onus of proof is on the manufacturer. Im not the manufacturer.
We have been taken for a ride long enough. The time has come for the tables to turn. They have got away with unverified claims for too long.