@mozart fan.
Well Paul, I have no experience with what you call a "JOR" integrated amp nor have I ever heard of such. I do have some with Jadis Electronics however. (Unless you are using JOR as an abbreviation for a Jadis amp? Jadis uses numbers to describe their integrateds however so I’m thrown)
Jadis, as a company, relied on a good bit of distortion to produce "beautiful music". They mostly run in class A. . One thing about Jadis if I recall correctly, is that its "source resistance" could run quite constant. Of course, much of this has to do with whatever loud speakers one is using. A Jadis, as a for instance or for any tube manufacture doing so, could never run with an ss amp to replicate tonal balance over a more complete spectrum even with similar resistive loads.
So why are most tubed amps cheaper to make? In other words with what I was trying to explain with my above blather, the "midranges" are where the magic occurs for most people and if doing that, the manufacture is saving a lot of money. Concentrate on that as an amp manufacturer, and you could sell a lot of amps.
I know of tube amps costing 150K. Price points for gear seem to go beyond materials used but in order to measure "neutral" throughout the audio spectrum, that cost money and might be actually cheaper to do with transistors. ARC comes to mind with much of their stuff in the 5 figure range even with tubes.
I am wondering if you have ever heard a single ended ss amp running in class A. As scattered a statement as what I’m about to type, single ended stuff just sounds "more correct" to me. Would be interested in what you hear in this regard.