Reimyo DAP 777 - looking for a good transport

I bought a used Reimyo DAP 777 and I'm amazed. Some months ago I was lucky to have lived with the one box CDP 777 for a few days - which I cannot afford. The CDP sounds even more natural and organic, but the DAC offers tremendous value as you manage to get a good fraction of the one box player performance for a lot less money ...

I'm using it with my 508.24 Meridian cd player while I don't get a dedicated transport.

Which transports shoud I consider? CEC? Audio Note? What about the old Wadia's or Teac? I have also the chance of getting a Procee CDD ...

Any insights are warmly welcome :o)

Vermeer, congratulations for your choice, Art V2 is really good transport and with Reimyo dac there is a perfect synergy
if you are not using any line conditioner or power cleaner
at your ac line (which I do not like to use any for my amplification and Reimyo) just try to plug Omtec power controller for Art V2 (almost 200 Euros )it will make the Art V2 a state of art transport cost no object.
As for the cabling,I am using Virtual Dynamics Revelation series cables through all my setup, I highly recommend these cables they are unbelievable, Master series are also perfect if cost is object, I use VD Revelation coaxial cable which
one and RCA (for the transport) and the other end is BNC (Dac input)terminated Rick produces such termination if you
ask him.(I have choseen RCA termination at input end just because it is not important BNC termination on transport outs and there is no guarantee for every brand transports
obtain BNC digital outs but all have RCA exactly.)
Which kind of rackor cones you use for your setup?

thank you :o)
I'm using a massive and long table with two short feet. The table (and it's feet) is made of 5 cm thick and it works really nice. For the DAC I use it's own cones; for the transport I will try the Ceraballs when the transport arrives as they have always produced great results with my CDP/Transports; on the amp (Sugden masterclass) I use RDC cones ...

best regards,
Tomer, I just ordered a Wadia 270se and am going to listen to it with my Reimyo, then have it modified by Steve at GNS. I will let all know how this unit worked and what improvement I see.

Get a Victor XL-Z900...its basically a Reimyo 777. Reimyo took the transport and the K2 architecture from the Victor unit...i compared both recently via digital coaxial output and you cant tell the difference.

The Victor XL-Z900 retails at $4000...a nice saving on the Reimyo.
