LS50 Wireless fail, or is old gear that good?

After ready so much positive info on the LS50W, I gave them a try but was massively disappointed compared to my (much) older gear.
I set up the LS50's via Ethernet and WiFi playing HiRes files from NAS and Tidal via Roon, then compared the same tracks via WiFi to Roon on an iPhone>Dragonfly Red>ARC SP9 (1987)>Threshold amp (1980's)>Martin Logan Aerius i (1999). Wasn't even close.
Especially on female vocals, the sense of realism, timbre, air, etc was notably superior on the old system. I played around with the KEF DSP, room placement and even switched rooms.I really wanted the KEF's to work, but no luck.

So, am I missing something with the LS50W, or is the old stuff just that good?

I would caution anyone looking into the LS50W's to use them with filled stands if you can.  There was no comparison when I ran mine on heavy, filled, spiked stands with room to breathe vs having them on a dresser/desk close to the rear wall.  Everything was much more reinforced and coherent.  Unreal speakers for the price when set up properly. IMO the biggest fault with them is during lower volume listening, they lose a lot of their magic.
2-way concentrics have technical issues with doppler effect, but I’m not sure comparing it to an electrostatic panel with absolute insanely bad frequency response, decay, and dispersion measurements is a good basis for that judgment. It sounds like more like a expectation bias after being used to the sound signature of a speaker you’ve owned for a long time. After all, the directivity profile of an electrostatic panel is the polar opposite of a 2-way concentric, you literally can't have a bigger soundstage than a 2-way concentric and couldn't possibly have a smaller one than with a large electric static panel.
LS50W wireless function is awful, KEF stream hardly works which defeats the purpose of this speaker.
I have them setup as a 2.1 system With stands and sounds good.
Kef should be ashamed of this product.
Update- I’ve called KEF about my LS50w and they are working with me!
I have to give them props for helping out on a trade in!!
Big kuddos to KEF once again, I don’t feel left out in the cold and they’ve converted me to lifetime KEF guy!
it might’ve been I just got a bad pair, that will be replaced by KEF for a new KEF pair
I heard the original LS50 at a dealer, and was massively disappointed as well, so they might just not be for everyone, or just as likely, they might need the right room and setup to work well - though you'd think an ultra high end dealer like the one I visited would know these things...