Technics or Thorens, need suggestions

I've been looking to get into Analog for quite some time now. So long that I've been collecting Vinyl with a dream of finally getting a nice TT.  Analog is an uncharted territory for me. I've been researching on my free time and have come up with a couple possibilities. 

Thorens TD 1600 
Technics 1200G

Budget is around 3-5k without a cartridge . I have Mcintosh C2600 which I intend to use for phono. 

I like the aesthetics of Thorens much more than Technics. 

My research showed that Technics is a superb TT for the price. How do these two compare? 

my systems: Mcintosh MC452/C2600/Sonus Faber Elipsa
                     mastersound 845 integrated/ diapason adamantes 3
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I am interested in the oscillating eddy currents as well as I have a 1200G. Gosh, what am I missing?😂
Looks like technics G is much more preferred here than a similarly priced thorens TD1600/1601. 

What about a higher priced Luxman TT? I could probably swing another 1-2k for luxman if it’s better sounding. I can’t audition a luxman though. 
I think I’m gonna get the G based on overwhelming positive reviews from this forum. Still curious about the luxman comparison though. PD-151 for about 3,2k, brand new open box, and 5k for the higher version almost brand new. 
Should I still go with the G? 
The SP 10 is 0.015%. If you think you can hear the difference then you need to take Michael Fremer's place on the staff of Stereophile.
@mijostyn  Certainly you don't hear that in terms of pitch. But as the machine speeds up and slows down, it causes the arm to exert variable tracking pressures on the left and right sides of the grooves due to variable skating forces. This creates a bit of a 'shimmer' in the sound stage. To hear what this is about, sometimes its useful to compare the LP to the same title on tape. There is a 'locked in' quality about the soundstage with better speed regulation- its more palpable.

BTW I agree that the arm is one of the weaknesses of the Technics, but its a lot better arm than was on the old SL1200s (it has superior arm tube material, better bearings and the bearings have no slop in them at all); not bad when you consider the price. But I've installed the Triplanar arm on a number of the new SL1200s and the difference is pretty remarkable. Seriously if you've not heard one in person, its an entirely new machine from the ground up, having only appearance and the fact that its a turntable in common with the older SL1200s; I've not heard a belt drive that can keep up.
I have serious doubts about the credibility of anybody who dismisses or recommends a turntable (or any other piece of equipment for that matter) on the basis of genre. Also bear in mind that certain reviewers can also be prone to be guilty of this cardinal sin to a varying degree. They are easy to spot after a while.

Keep an open mind and judge the value of a component on its merits alone.