Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand + Bel Canto C5i vs..

I just acquired a new closeout set of Vienna Mozart Grands in the black piano finish. I have heard these speakers numerous times at various store settings and love the open, sweet, encompassing, not fatiguing sound. I am looking for an integrated amp + DAC either combined or seperate that will be a good match for my speakers.

I will be using this mostly for stereo audio and occasional home theater. I listen to a mixture of Jazz, Pop and Tecnno (Minimal and Ambient House). I plan to listen to mostly iTunes acquired high quality MP3s or streaming internet through an optical connection of an airport express.

I am seriously thinking about getting a Bel Canto c5i. Its a new high current integrated amp + good DAC for $2000 new. Does anyone know if this is a good combo match for my speakers? I don't mind getting an integrated amp and a seperate DAC used on Audiogon. My budget is $2000 for an int amp + DAC. Suggestion/feedback/your 2 cents are welcome. Thank you!
Thank you for the update Jajur. Based on what I've read from computer audiophile and this forum, I have decided to put my DAC3 for sale and ordered the new C5i today. I hope to receive the package within two weeks. I am keeping the Bel Canto REF 500s power amp for now for future use.

1. I hope I'm not too late. Sand or fill is not recommended for the Grand line of speakers. Sand or fill was recommended for the prior line -- prior to the "Grand" line. This line had no specific moniker such as the "Grand." They were just called Vienna Acoustics Mozart speakers, etc. Although, to differentiate the 2 lines, this series is sometimes now referred to as the "Classic" line, i.e. Vienna Acoustics Mozart Classic.

2. I see you purchased your integrated amp. For future reference, the Primare products are supposed to match well with the Viennas.

3. Here is a link to a Vienna Acoustics owners thread.

Hope this helps.
Thanks so much for that information and for correcting my initial post. I just did some searching of Audio Asylum, where Patrick Butler of Vienna first posted about the need for sand filling. I see that he made those posts before the Grand series was introduced. (Man, time flies!) From your link, I see that the same Patric Butler says sand filling is not even an option on the Mozart or Bach Grands. I apologize for spreading outdated information! (And it's interesting to see that the Grand line is soon to be updated!). Thanks so much.
Hi Everyone,

I receive the C5i two days after I made the order online. I was very shocked!

I have been listening the Bel Canto C5i now for about 5 hours and I am very happy with it. The more I listen the more I enjoy it. The quality appears better than my DAC3 IMO. My setup is very simple. I replaced my Wadia 170i with a Cambridge iD100 Docking System for my Ipod Touch/Iphone which I also purchased new with the C51. The iD100 has USB, Toslink, SPDIF RCA and AES/EBU XLR outputs. I am using a Cardas RCA or Wireworld SuperNova6 digital cables and noticed that the Cardas sounds better and louder than the SuperNova 6. The Definitive Tech Bipolar speakers sounds surprisingly great considering they're too old for the C5i. The DAC of the C5i perhaps an upgrade to the DAC3 I currently own (for sale). It has a very nice blend of detail and more refined IMO. Overall, it is an amazing unit with fine imaging and wide soundstage.

Now, since this is under speaker forums, I need some help finding a good speakers for the C5i. I would appreciate your inputs and recommendations. My room is 11x11 and 9 ft. ceiling heights. I listen to lots of new age acoustics, ambient, soft jazz, pops and classical. I have no plans of using a SUB. My budget is no more than $1200.00. Here are some choices I have.

First Choice: Vandersteen 1Cs
Second: Dynaudio DM 3/7 (it's more than $1200 but sounds great).
Third: Dynaudio Xcite 12
Fourth: Totem Mite, Rainmaker, Dreamcatcher
Fifth: Silverline Minuets

Please help and thanks in advance.
Rod, thanks for your review. I don't want to hijack this thread so I'll keep it short, but if you feel inclined to give a more thorough review of the C5i as time goes by, I'd like to hear your thoughts. I'm REALLY considering buying this thing although it's too expensive for me. My speakers are more dated than yours (Snell E/III's), so I'm also curious what others have to say in this regard (older speakers with this newfangled integrated).

Let us know what you ultimately decide upon. FWIW, I thought the Vandersteen 1C to be an interesting option considering their age.