What Do You Think . . . and How Does It Work?

While watching vids on YouTube, I came across this pipe speaker design from a Dr. Linkwitz (see below).   The sound of this speaker is said to be impressive.  I was wondering if you know about this, how it works and what you think of this speaker design.  Also, what do you think would be the best room placement for such a speaker, and would you be tempted to build them?

Duke has no authority to set the conditions for this forum. Narcissists are not excluded from here are they? 
People with disabilities have just as much rights as those without. 

Are you actually offering to change YOUR behavior, or only asking me to change mine?
How dare you expect a person with a disability to simply change? Disability is not a choice. 

People have a right to know when they are dealing with someone whose behavior is toxic. And I will out you.
Nobody has any right to know about a persons disability, its not their business. If a person does have a disability it is not toxic. The disabled community has fought to secure their rights and equal opportunities for a long time. We are protected against discrimination by law. You will not take that away from us Duke. The onus is on you to accommodate us. 

I have chosen to give you a taste of your own medicine.
Great idea. Lets call out all those with disabilities and give them a taste of their own medicine. Lets victimise them, harass them and remind them of how toxic they are to society. Lets discredit EVERYTHING they have to say on the basis of their disability. Lets just eliminate them off the planet so that only people that meet the standards DUKE lejeune sets are allowed to remain. 
That way we can CONTINUE TO HIDE THE DIRTY SECRETS WITHIN THE SPEAKER INDUSTRY and protect those that run it. 

  • The speaker industry has swindled thousands of audiophiles over the last few decades using the same techniques. 
  • We have been sold speakers that DONT WORK. They end up being resold because they are not good enough. The used market for ultra high end speakers is just as active as for low end speakers. 
  • Measurements are rarely published. When they are, they may be exaggerated or even false. 
  • The high end industry is unregulated. If i was in charge, the Kenjit standards (TM) would never be met and i would shut down most of these so called speaker companies. 
  • Unemployment would rise within the speaker industry 
  • Any claim can be made and is assumed true until proven otherwise
  • Speaker designers have no clue on what the correct method or goal is of speaker design.
  • Speaker designers are not required to be qualified. Its like going to a doctor or dentist who is not qualified. 
  • The reviewers are chosen so that MOST speaker reviews are positive. Nobody would want a negative review published. Any negative aspects of a speaker are overlooked or downplayed. Only 5 star reviews accepted!
  • Speakers are tuned to the designers ears, not OURS. 
  • CONSPIRACY to suppress OLSONS research (1950s)
  • In the year 2500, speakers are a thing of the past. 
  • Music transmitted wirelessly directly into brain. 1hz to 30khz possible. 
  • Researchers of acoustics will discover old internet archives from the year 2020. 
  • Kenjits ideas and papers are scrutinized by Professors of acoustics
  • Kenjit infinity baffle loading technology is found to be correct
  • Kenjit speaker design is manufactured and tested by engineers and found to work
  •  Kenjit is declared greatest Audiophile champion of all time BAR none.  
Post removed 
Well that was a convoluted mess...

ps kenny: 
if you want to trash an industry and it’s professionals be smart enough to expect some trash in return.   Adulting is hard... 
Kenjit wrote:
“How dare you expect a person with a disability to simply change? Disability is not a choice.”

Is it your argument is that you have a disability and that is where you are writing from?

Kenjit wrote:

”The disabled community has fought to secure their rights and equal opportunities for a long time. We are protected against discrimination by law. You will not take that away from us Duke. The onus is on you to accommodate us.”

might want to read up on ADA or ask an attorney to explain it.  Duke owes you nothing here in the US.  Your speech is not protected under US ADA