Looking to upgrade my 3-way towers

My current amp/speaker combo is the Conrad-Johnson LP70S tube amp/Ascend Acoustics Sierra towers. They are a nice combo that I like but am looking to upgrade the AA's to another 3-way tower that is higher priced with more refinement. I'm happy with the CJ amp.

Any comments from those listeners who have direct experience with the CJ/3-way towers and those who would like to make suggestions.

I mainly listen to rock, some jazz and pop vocal. The Ascends do perform well but I thought shelling out for a pair of speakers in the $10000 range would give me more refinement (more musicality, you are there presence) than the Ascends. At times, the Ascends (recording dependent) can sound shrill in the high end. It's more of a belief that more money will bring more satisfaction. Perhaps I'm mistaken. The size of the Ascends is what I'm looking for because I can't go too large because of the smaller size of my room (13 X 18 ft.).

In April I was in communication with Jim Salk and was ready to order a pair of speakers thru him but didn't want to wait for many months due to Covid-19 production slowdown so I purchased a pair of Harbeth Super SL5 plus speakers. I thought they would bring me what I was searching for. They didn't. While very musical, their sound lacks the sizzle and snap the upper mid and high end sizzle and snap I desire. I'm sure there are those listeners out there that would love what the CJ tube/Harbeth combo brings to the table but I tried to like them and the Ascends did it more for me. At times, I did like the presentation of the Harbeth's thru my CJ. Certainly, my amp did change things.
Try a pair of Klipsch Heresy IVs...the jump from 89db efficiency to 99db might be interesting (I own Heresy IIIs, and they're great sounding), as would the step away from the conventional. 
Never was a fan of horn speakers and I think now the wide baffle but thank you for the suggestion. I believe I may be looking more for the narrower baffled speakers.
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Yeah, Tekton Double Impacts will be easier to drive, more efficient, play louder, much more refined, and almost universally acclaimed to compete with $10k speakers. Listen to this guy at 5:50 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RxRTFx6Cd0&t=627s
Or if you want more do like me and order Moabs. Or Ulfberhts, if you're really determined to spend $10k. Refinement and you are there presence in spades. Hang on, if you want yet another review, Eric says he should have my Moabs to me in a few weeks.