Wanted: Lightweight Krell KSA-100 Clone????

Until recently, every component in my stereo system was >30 years old; the relevant ones being Krell KSA-100 and Thiel CS3.6 that I purchased new in the 80s.

After ditching the old Pioneer Elite CD player, WADIA DAC, and KRELL PAM-5 preamp, I started streaming TIdal Premium > Node 2i > Dennafrips Ares II > the Krell>Thiels.

I love the sound and I’m amazed that the Krell sounds like new, however, it still weighs too much (around 90 lbs) and a much lighter amplifier would give me more flexibility.

Can you recommend a replacement that will sound very much like the Krell but weighs much less?

I'm thinking that there is probably something 5-10 years old that sounds similar and should be available at a “good” price. For instance, I can get a set of Bryston 7B ST for $2000+ but I have never heard these and know little about them.

Any information would be appreciated.

tweak1, Thank you for the mention of the GaN based amps.  I am really intrigued by Class D amps and will follow the development of amps using this module.  I like the Classe AMP2 but it may be a bit bright.  It appears that Classe did a lot of work on this Class D amp and haven't done much with it lately. 
chinook9 OP
Wanted: Lightweight Krell KSA-100 Clone????
Can you recommend a replacement that will sound very much like the Krell but weighs much less?
One of the great classic amps, like the lower power Mark Levinson ML2 monoblocks

Your not going to get that sound if you move away from 100w of Class-A at 8ohms, they were fan cooled and weighed much less than if they had heatsinks https://i.imgur.com/ZmM95hb.jpg
Just about anything that can match them is probably going to weigh more today if not fan cooled.
So just get it serviced up and find a way to keep them, put some roller coasters or trolley under it if you need to move it. And forget Class-D's 

Cheers George
It look like dual mono design, convert it to monoblocks and you can get it under 60 lbs each :)
With that speaker load you’re not going to find many smaller amps as good as that Krell. Perhaps an amp stand on wheels?