Directionality Explained

I have read it argued against by those who think they know
Here is proof
Paul Speltz Founder of ANTICABLES shares his thoughts about wire directionality. Dear Fellow Audiophiles, As an electronic engineer, I struggled years ago with the idea of wire being directional because it did not fit into any of the electrical models I had learned. It simply did not make sense to me that an alternating music signal should favor a direction in a conductor. One of the great things about our audio hobby is that we are able to hear things well before we can explain them; and just because we can’t explain something, doesn't mean that it is not real.
Because If you are? You are saying also "Basically", that you do not believe in "Basic Arithmetic",  as well....
And yes, There was an "JollyGreenAudiophile#1".
Sadly, He met an unfortunate end. After attempting to explain the  workings of the Schumann resonances to some whom doubted it's existence for several hours.
His head simply, "POOF"! Exploded!
He was laid to rest under his Mid-Bass towers. In full view of the rest of his rig.....
RIP Jolly#1,.....RIP....

Back to the study, that fact that the difference of resistance in both direction is so small, it does beg the question if the study was valid or the data been massaged or skewed?

Also nowhere in the study said anything about listening impression vs. direction of the fuses.

>>>>The whole point of the study is that the differences in resistance - though very small - are consistent with listening tests. Why else would HIFi Tuning publish the study on their web site? Duh? Ah, yes, the plaintive whine of the pseudo skeptic - “I looked but I couldn’t find it anywhere.” 😩 So, it looks like pseudo skeptics 3, aftermarket fuse owners 100,000. 🤗

Well it’s hard to argue with regard to directionality against the data if indeed the data are valid. One thing is the average difference is about 0.000005 Ohm (or about in that neighborhood). Given the difference is so small, has the data been "massaged"? Also the study didn’t mention the sonic difference with respect to directionality - only show DC resistance.

>>>>>I’m starting to suspect you didn’t get good grades in reading when you were in kindergarten. Not only does the study state that differences in resistance were measured for both DC and AC circuits but that listening tests reveled larger differences in sound quality than could be explained by the differences in resistance. I mean, come on, guys, all audio circuits are AC. The resistance is not necessarily the reason why sound is different according to direction, it is evidence. Nevertheless, the lowest resistance direction of the fuse always correlates to best sound quality. See, that’s not so hard, is it?
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