Amplifier or Receiver

I recently bought Klipsch Cornwall IV speakers and am looking to buy a receiver/amplifier to pair these with. I intend to keep a stereo setup for now but want to have the option of home theater for later. I looked at amplifiers and noticed that they do not have HDMI connections. Will that be an issue to connect with other digital devices? Also, receivers may be better for streaming services, etc. I need advice for buying the right amplifier or receiver for these speakers. Budget within $1500-4000.
Please tell us how you like the Yamaha integrated amp when it arrives. I'm looking at the same one, myself. Prices on this model Yamaha are going down since they introduced the new a-s2200 and the differences seem minimal. 

What's "reasonable" for a DAC these days? I've ordered the Topping D90 based on reviews / measurements. Should be here soon. Was also considering the Mytek Liberty and Chord Qutest baed on other glowing reviews.
Hi raindog69,

Yeah I paid $2300 for the  now discontinued A-S2100 and that's quite a price difference from the newer a-s2200. I'm waiting for my speakers to be delivered. Klipsch says 6-8 weeks for delivery but the dealer says they usually ship within a couple weeks. I'll let you know about the sound when they arrive.

I don't have any experience with DAC's and Ill look up the ones you mentioned. Please let me know about the performance of Topping. I read a good  review of Schiit Modi3 which costs $100. I guess I'm still looking.

I reached analysis paralysis on the DAC front (as I did with speakers a while back) and just went with a personal ratio of good reviews and cost. Bang for the buck type of thing. 

This site measures lots of DACs and sang praises for the Topping.

This will be my first external DAC in some time, so I don't have much for comparison. But I think DACs, unlike perhaps speakers which can be so subjective in terms of differences and personal presences, are good candidates for straight measurements. 
Hi raindog69,

What will you use the DAC for? I basically need to convert my TV digital signal to analog. I use Amazon fire stick (connected directly to the TV) for Spotify streaming and Youtube.

So, is it worthwhile to spend $700 on the Topping dac or should I go for Modi3 for $100 or even Cambridge Dacmagic for $200. Cambridge also sells CXN V2  Network Audio Streamer for $1100 (with good reviews) which includes dac.

I earlier got great advise from willand for choosing the Yamaha a-s2100 amp. but don't know anything about DACs.
My use case is a bit different - it's not home theater, but instead pure 2 channel stereo. I stream Qobuz from a Bluesound Node 2i. The Node has an internal DAC but I believe I'll do better with an external DAC. I may also bypass my CD player's DAC and run that through the Topping DAC, too.

I can't say whether the Topping will sound better for your purposes than the Schiit or Cambridge. But the measurements, if you put weight in those, are very strong on the Topping.