Unexpectedly low volume with Schiit Saga + Vidar

Hi all, 

I was hoping someone could shed some insight into what feels like low total volume from my system.   I recently upgraded my amplifier from an NAD 316BEE to a Schiit Saga Plus + Schiit Vidar.  Given the Vidar is fairly dramatically more powerful than the 316 (and weighs about 4x as much), I was really surprised it didn't seem to boost the total volume of the system at all.  I have the knob on the Saga + preamp all the way up and it's solid, but it's a long way from "blow the doors off the place."  I also don't really hear anything out of the speakers until the volume knob on the preamp is to about 11-noon.  

The signal path is as follows: 
Spotify > Airplay > Airport Express > Saga > Schiit > Magnepan MMG.  

Yes, the Spotify / Airplay volume are maxed out, such that I'm feeding as much signal into the Saga as I can.  I have the same issue with my turntable (Rega P2 > Schiit Mani).  I know the MMGs aren't the easiest speaker in the world to drive, but it just really seems like this amp should be able to crank them up to seriously high volumes.  

Thanks for the help!

I use efficient speakers with a Freya (older and utterly collectable "original" version that YOU CAN'T HAVE) and a small SEP tube amp, but previously wasn't using particularly efficient speakers...the Freya tube gain worked fine with the less efficient speakers (89db as opposed to the alleged 99db of my current Heresy IIIs) but the other 2 output options were somewhat weak. I get it. Now of course all the gain options work but obviously the tube gain that I prefer kicks gigantic earballs, so to speak. The Freya + should get your Vidars off the dime without have to use 2 of 'em or my name aint' Wolf Garcia, which in fact it is not but...uh...so what?
The tube gain on the Freya does get pretty stellar reviews.  Sigh -- this project is costing a lot more than initially intended.  May as well buy a true streamer while I'm at it....
I have a Freya + powered by monobloc Vidars.  It doesn't come alive until the volume on the Freya is at about 1 oclock.  I can't get it past 2 oclock without it becoming uncomfortable on the highs.