Directionality Explained

I have read it argued against by those who think they know
Here is proof
Paul Speltz Founder of ANTICABLES shares his thoughts about wire directionality. Dear Fellow Audiophiles, As an electronic engineer, I struggled years ago with the idea of wire being directional because it did not fit into any of the electrical models I had learned. It simply did not make sense to me that an alternating music signal should favor a direction in a conductor. One of the great things about our audio hobby is that we are able to hear things well before we can explain them; and just because we can’t explain something, doesn't mean that it is not real.
You say subjective opinions. I say empirical evidence. We observe reality through our senses. If you can’t hear properly or you don’t trust your sense of hearing I suggest candling your ears. 🕯So far those who hear directionality outweigh those who don’t by a factor of about 10,000 to 1. Besides, as I’ve oft counseled, controlled tests are for sissies. They don’t mean anything. They are only an excuse not to progress. So cut me some slack, Jack. I’m afraid you’ve been following the wrong, you know....

🐑 🐑 🐑 🚶🏻
... there are tons of subjective opinions on fuses, power cables and wires of every stripe. What you will not find is any manufacturer of said things claiming they absolutely definitely objectively make a difference in your sound system. Their lawyers know better than to let them do something that stupid.
How about WireWorld’s "superior image and sound reproduction." You can read that here.

How about Nordost’s "... power cords deliver a level of performance not previously possible at their price points. " You can read that here.

How about Ray Kimber’s "braided wire concept not only rejected the (RF) noise, but allowed the system to sound different, better." You can read that here.

Those are just a few examples.

I’ve challenged cable naysayers many times when they bleat about "snake oil" and "fraudsters." File a lawsuit and seek class action, I tell ’em. Think of the riches that await you after you reveal that an entire industry has been built on fraud!
Yeah, OK I read the links I saw nothing actionable but then again I saw no evidence of anything said ,  that these products would definitely improve everyone's listening experience. Something would only be actionable if the claim made would be considered fact or universal, i.e. listerines claim their mouthwash killed germs. 
You will not find proof on these manufacturers websites other than them showing differences in measurements to other items of like kind and subjective options of what those measurements mean to the sound. No lawyer worth a damn is going to let a manufacturer of cables make definitive statements. Few years ago in the UK a man brought a complaint against a power cord manufacturer claiming misleading statements about the product. The first ruling was for the plaintiff but a subsequent appeals ruling overturned saying the manufacturer never explicitly said everyone would notice a difference and that in their research papers they never said any of the measured differences between power cords were necessarily audible. The reason no action is taken is the lawyers only allow weasel words in their claims to do otherwise invites LAWSUITS UNLESS they can objectively PROVE their claims. The legal lesson is free.
... I read the links I saw nothing actionable but then again I saw no evidence of anything said , that these products would definitely improve everyone’s listening experience.
I couldn’t have made it easier for you - I actually pulled exact quotes. WireWorld: "superior image and sound reproduction."

Maybe you prefer to go after Best Buy, which promotes an AQ cable that will "significantly increase the range of both color and contrast, which creates an even more vibrant and realistic picture." Wow! A claim of "significant improvement" should be easy for you to disprove, no? You can read the claim here.

It should be an easy matter to prove whether an image is better or not. That you’re not up to the challenge suggests you fear the result. C’mon, buy some WireWorld or AQ cables, demonstrate that the claim is false and get rich beyond your wildest dreams when you prove an entire industry is built on fraud. Good luck!