active speakers, Paradise? Trouble in paradise?

Anyone ever hear or own active speakers that made you forget about all the rest?

Or are active speakers best left to the studio engineers?

And DJ’s?
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As a technical matter, Bob's point about passive x-overs sometimes being used ahead of the power amps is quite correct. However, that set-up is IME sufficiently rare (I think Vandersteen uses it on some models) that I actually forgot about it. I guess that I should more accurately have said that an active x-over must be ahead of the amps to create an active system.

I stand corrected.

Thanks Bob… and you too Marty

Ever how it shakes out, be the x overs in front of the amps, behind the amps, or under the couch, it’s all fine by me… I’ll not allow any previous bias to invade or affect my choice of speakers. More factors exist in that area which clutter it up already. Size, range, Cost, voice, Esthetic, and flexibility with interfaces, if I go the Active speaker route which really does intrigue me right now. In fact I’m going to make every effort to do just that.

It should solve a couple issues I'm facing currently.... and when all is said and done, and we're sitting in front of the speakers with the lights off and listening to some of our fav tracks, albums, or discs, it's about the sound right then and there... not how much $$$ is in the ear candy erecter set, not the topologies, designs, how many components, drivers, etc., it's all about toe tapping and possum grins and not wanting to turn it off.

For me... that's always the goal... how ya get there is of far less consequence.

Show me a better mouse trap and I'll show you a smarter mouse. What the Hell does that mean? Who cares.It is about the sound. 3wpc or 1,000wpc. 1 driver, or 15. Who cares?

In the dark as someone said centuries ago, it's all the same... is the sound making me happy?

In the voicing area I’m gonna count on something explicitly revealatory, but with some refinement or ease which isn’t necessarily to be construed as warmth. I get the impression, things like laid back, warmth and euphony, simply isn’t on the menu going with active units. That’s fine too.

If they can be honest without being overly critical, and do a great vanishing act, while conveying an involving musical re-creation, I’m ALL IN FOR A PAIR!

I noticed from checking out reviews here and there, some models have come to mind from KRK, ATC, and as soon as I decode the PMC lineup identification process, maybe something from them… and there’s Meridain Meridian but I don’t envision anything arriving here from them too likely anytime soon.

The thoughts on use of a very nice near full range two way (40hz - 20KHz >) or three way stand mount also looks like a pretty good idea. I’ve found out repeatedly, few full range speakers are indeed full range. Very few.

Subs ain’t that difficult to integrate. Plus I’m not keen on having a dominating presence in speakerage staring at me daily.

I’m not giddy about a commercial look either. But with the lights off, who’ll know?

The Exposé floor standers and the VXT 8's just under it, as well as the aTC 50 ASL, and a couple others are attractive. Hell, Best buy carries the KRK line. Wonder what Sam Ash carries?

Naturally, any insights from current owners of other active speakers are more than welcome.

Thank you.
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