Do you like your speakers aimed directly at each ear or....

slightly off (outside) of each ear?
So here is an interesting question.  Why hasn't anyone made a speaker stand that swivels to the right angle when you need to? At home with friends you don't need to necessarily dial in for optimum sound performance..its a little social background noise, bit pleasant and noticeable. Bit when its time for serious and personal listening time,  you dial them back in to the perfect vector?
For me, with my VMPS RM-30's speakers  I toe in so I can see about 1 to 2 inches of the inside.

To get the widest soundstage, even on the outside of the speakers, which can vary from speaker to speaker.

Start with the the tweeters directly at each ear. Watch for the center image and the imaging on either side of center. Then keep towing both out in increments till you start to loose the imaging either side of the center. Then you know you’ve gone too far and toe them back in slightly.
This is your best imaging that you’ll get between the speakers, and if you get imaging on the outside that’s a plus.
The more toe out you have, the better chance of having imagining on the outside of the speakers, but you can loose the the imaging on either side of center as I explained above.

And imaging depth comes from having nothing between the speakers as far back as possible.

Cheers George
Erik_Squires is right! My old Klipsch RF-3 lls are best just very slightly toed into my chair, they are BRIGHT in the Klipsch tradition! My RP-600M pair sound great facing my chair, but image better just slightly away from that position.