In the middle of a pandemic, Stereophile reviews ~ $30K equipment

While the world is in the middle of a major economic event, the last two pieces of gear posted by Stereophile to their online site average $30K a piece.

If this doesn't make you feel like you belong to their target audience I don't know what will.
The answers to this stuff may seem easy when typing posts on Audiogon, but none of it is easy and leading throughout something like this is even more difficult to the point where nobody could possibly measure up to perfection.

While our shelter-in-place orders have provided time for the medical community and PPE suppliers to somewhat catch up, we are nowhere near achieving herd immunity or a vaccine (maybe within a year). However, many are truly suffering because the sheltering in-place has caused them to lose their jobs and they cannot pay their bills, buy food, etc. Businesses are suffering and many that survived month to month have been forced to close their doors forever. We are racking up a huge debt that we cannot pay with "other people’s money." The deeper we get, the harder it will be to restart our economy.....which is how we put food on our tables and pay for our education, health care, etc.

This is truly a dilemma with no completely "right" answer - i.e, between Scylla and Charybdis, or, in the words of Yogi Berra,
"You’ve got to be very careful if you don’t know where you are going, because you might not get there"
It’s the predicament of the sniper. You know someone is out there waiting to kill you but your company commander has his orders from Division and tells you it’s time to move out. You can’t stay in the trenches forever. You’re going to have some losses. C’est la vie! as they say in Brooklyn.
Bad gnus.🐃 🐃

The worldwide number of new cases per day is spiking. That doesn’t bode well for near future New Daily deaths. What’s the fatality percentage these days, 10%?

The devil’s teeth - the topmost charts below,