Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
stspur - I second what Beetle says, and I'll add my personal perspective. I haven't lived with 3.6s, but I picked up a pair, thanks to this forum, which I measured and listened to and as mentioned was thoroughly impressed. Regarding upgrade in general, be very careful. Hundreds of man-hours went into selecting and voicing those particular components for the job. You could spend a lot and do worse. But, on the other hand, there are some better components available. First, let's survey what's in there.
The coils would be hard to beat with the exception of foil. But foil might require value tweaking of the circuit, since the resistance to inductance ratio is different for foil. The wire is CDA-101 aerospace grade OFHC with first-class winding.

The resistors were developed in-house and are very good within their budget constraints. But Mills MRAs are better. Safe swap. Consider doubling in the signal path.

Caps are upgradable, especially the lytics. Those VersaTronics lytics are stellar, industrial, long life caps. BUT, film is better. The "S" is indeed Solen. In the day it didn't get any better. Depending on  your vintage, they are either made in France or Canada from French film, which was considered tied for best of form with a German film. Later, North American consumption was wound in Canada with same equipment and specs. Great caps. Those yellow caps are a foundation of Thielness. We found and bought a best of form German cap starting with the 2.2 in 1990. They are styrene film on Tin foil @ 1uF (usually within 1%). When the German company went out of business, we bought the remaining foil and film and contracted a California aerospace cap maker for what produced 60,000 caps. When that stash was gone, ERSE made a clone from a world-class Japanese film and foil. Eventually (we found from Beetle's late 2.4SEs) the cap was cloned in China with not necessarily lower quality.

An interesting experiment (which I haven't yet gotten to) would be to replace the 4 parallel yellow 1uF tweeter feed caps with a 4uF CSA or CMR. Clarity's ("C") copper alloy end caps are a game changer. That swap should have no circuitry implications. We would all love to hear the outcome.

As stated, electrolytics may drift over time and their sonic signature is less than best. In Thiels they are always bypassed by the yellow styrene / foil 1uF. But you could upgrade to CSA in the series feed circuits - the parallel shunts are meaningful, but less important and harder to justify for space and expenditure. The midrange feed has 2 parallel 100uF lytics. If you can fit CSA's, try it. The tweeter feed has an 8.2uF which I have targeted for a 630volt Clarity CMR.

There are various upgrade stragegies, I have 3, but most require additional real estate, which is why I am migrating to outboard crossovers. They also require the ability to tweak values, especially in the parallel shunts which are tuned to driver resonances. It would be easy to make things worse. My personal perspective is to be cautious, heed the advice from this thread, and make any changes incrementally. Swapping resistors would be a safe start. If you are a cable guy, you might consider dual inputs. And if so, and if you're my kind of crazy, you might take the woofer XO out of the cabinet and 3-4' away from the electromagnetic soup, as my 2.2 experiments have suggested.

Of course I and others here would appreciate your feedback. I gave this public response to reach more people than a PM would. But, we must beware of overwhelming those with less technical interests.

Does anybody remember the original Thiel motto? "For the Love of Music".

Just an aside in response to the amp mini-thread that preceded Tom's last post:I've had Thiels in my system since the mod-90s. First the 2 2, now for the last three years, the 3.7. Recently, the sound from the speakers has been breaking up. It sounded like an amp problem (Classe ca-300) but just to make sure I called a friend who works in pro audio to see if he could lend me an amp to swap for troubleshooting. He supplied a 400 watt amp that he uses for PA systems.  I thought, oh boy, what will that sound like. But it was a revelation. First, it is my Classe that is going. But ... the sound. At first it sounded a little "thin" but after a few minutes, it was obvious that this was a much better presentation of the material. We listened to Boulez' cummings ist der dichter from the excellent Erato recording and some tracks from the equally excellent new Innova recording of pieces by Jeremy Beck. Everything was in its place and just as it should be, no added warmth or profiling. Timbre, stage, dynamics, transients, balance and placement of instruments in the orchestral sound field all spot-on faithful. That from a nuts and bolts pro audio machine. Quite a few implications here.
Often pro audio gear is looked down upon..QSC has made some fine sounding amps..I suppose they could be improved upon with the addition of a few "audiophile parts"..Tom
Tom and 'tweak,
Yes, as a matter of fact it was QSC model USA 850. My only critical observation was that it could have had a bit more "filling out" or saturationof the colors. But even so...
Tom, I remember you posting here a while back re the Benchmark AHB2. Do you think this could drive the 3.7s, either bridged mono or single unit?I've been looking into amp upgrades and the shortlist includes Hegel, Ayre, maybe Spectral. But the Benchmark looks very intriguing, especially since that unit would do two things that make me very happy: save a bundle and get better sound. I've spent my life in and around acoustical music in orchestral halls, chamber halls and studios. All I need and desire is (as Jack Webb famously put it) "just the facts, ma'am."