Fast forward 25 years, what will audio be like?

Seems like in the past 25 years audio has changed so much - cassettes, cds, servers, hard drives...... composite speaker materials..... network servers..... surround sound - AV systems.....
One can only wonder what systems will consist of 25 years from now.
Clearly there's a trend towards computers meshing with TV/Audio...
I wonder what audiophiles will utilize for components, source material and technologies.
Some aspects of audio become obsolete ex) cassettes yet others like turn tables - LPs, tube based components seem to evolve and endure.
Miles Davis' Kind of Blue will be available in fifteen different formats. A double blind evaluation of all Kind of Blue Formats by Stereophile Magazine in 2035 will demonstrate beyond all doubt that the best sounding format is the original Columbia Records cassette.
Macrojack, for the bottom third of the population you're describing their reality in 2014.
My perception during the half-dozen decades I have been around is that while prognostications of both radical change and various doom and gloom scenarios have always seemed to be plentiful, they almost never come to pass. Sure, bad things happen at times, but they are usually sporadic and unforeseeable.

I agree with Frogman's first post above, and with Onhwy61.

-- Al
Schubert; as Mark Twain would say go to "Heaven for the climate and hell for the company."