Spendor D7 vs. Harbeth Super HL5+

Anyone who has heard both? Comparisons? I own the Harbeth. Curious about the difference with the Spendor. What brand and type of amp used. Thanks!
Hi @ddafoe ,

In contrast to professional reviewers like Art Dudley I get zero income from my masages on this forum :-)
If you a professional a reviewer you can’t afford yourself to criticize directly as I do.


I do question the presence of that "supertweeter" in the SHL5+, that isn't there in other Harbeth models.  I know the BBC model that it's based on had one too, but why?
Stereophile has reviewed both speakers, and ranks Spendor D7 as a class A speaker (the lowest price tower at time to get such a ranking), and ranks the Harbeth class B. 


Stereophile reviews and rankings are notoriously unreliable.  Their love affairs with some (just some) speakers are inexplicable.