Golden Tube Audio SE-40

I've been picking through the offerings of an estate sale and came across a Golden Tube Audio SE-40 power amp. I can't give it a listen as it's missing a rectifier tube and don't know if I even want to bother with the amp at all.
From what I've read so far, the amp has been known more for reliability issues than good sound. I presently use an Aragon 2004 and a Forte 44 and am wondering if this Golden Tube Amp is worthwhile.
Other pieces I have picked up from the estate are a Dynaco ST70 and a Sound Valves VTP-101 preamp, which I think are keepers.
Any opinions/experience/advice regarding Golden Tube Audio would be appreciated.
I had one in the late 90's. It was an OK amp but it had some hissing issues and was soft/warm and forward in the mids. Low-end was also somewhat anemic and soft. I was using it with Klipsch speakers. One thing that it did very well was 3D sound-stage with nice layered details.

You can get better amps for a bit more money and even for less money.
Faust3d said:
You can get better amps for a bit more money and even for less money.
I have not heard a tube amp that sounded better than the SE-40 for $350 or so. If you can do the upgrades yourself, spend another $100 (or less) and it becomes a giant-killer. Agreed not the best, but a hellava amp for under five bills.
I need a SERVICE manual for the Golden Tube Audio SE-40. I have the owner's manual and a "rough" schematic, but without voltage readings at key points, it's not a lot of help. Too bad that Sams PhotoFacts are gone, they were truly a repairman's friend!
Anybody know a source for a repair manual for this puppy?
I bought one for $300 about 15 years ago and gave it to a friend. That seemed a pretty good deal at the time.