What was your most disappointing album purchase?

Since we have been listing “best debut albums”, I thought I might ask which albums members purchased, based upon one song, and with the expectation that other songs on the album would be good, but that album was a big disappointment.

I will start with the album by the group, Six Pence None The Richer, that had their big hit “Kiss Me”.   The rest of that album was trash!  Nothing I wanted to listen to and I found it hard to believe the same group had done the hit song.

This question might seem similar to “One Hit Wonders”, but I think it is different, as usually those groups made other music that was at least listenable.   My question refers to albums that had one listenable song, period!
I have just about all of Joan Osborne's albums, and they're all great.  I hesitated getting her Dylan tribute album, and there have been better ones, but I've come to like it.  I've seen her live twice, and the power of her voice is not captured on her albums.  A great singer and artist.

Late Coltrane is difficult, no doubt about it, and I can see how "The Major Works" would be a disappointing purchase.

 By the end of his career (and life) Coltrane was something of a spiritual ecstatic--and most of us aren't! Plus, he was such a nice guy that he gave lots of space to his fellow players. (Witness "Blue Trane.") "Ascension" is tough going until you get to him--and McCoy Tyner plays a killer solo if anyone makes it that far into the album.

But I've spent plenty of real listening time on "Live in Seattle," "Kulu Sé Mama," and "First Meditations (for quartet)." 
Yeah it was. But I kind of had my purchases mixed up. I bought Major Works in the early 90s.I gave it away to someone who actually appreciated it soon after. 
    My original disappointing album was Ascension I'm pretty sure,  but might have been Om. Either way it went back.
     I will have to give the solo by Tyner a try. Thanks. 

Hard to decide betweeen Kajagoogoo or Wang Chung.  
It was a dark period, and I had to claw my way back.