Loudness - Why has the industry stopped producing amplifiers with this feature any longer?

I listen to music at all times of the day and night (solid sleep eludes me the older I get).  My favorite times are when the family is gone and I can select the listening level, mostly moderate to higher volumes.  But the simply fact is I find myself listen at lower levels much more often then my preferred listening mode.

Piggybacking on a discussion regarding low level listening here on Audiogon, I'm posing the question:  Why has the majority of industry stopped producing amplifiers with this feature any longer?

I look forward to your input
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too many damaged speakers? An extra circuit? More manufacturing cost? Out of style?
Amp design followed a different approach after 70's with less is better, i am not sure though that was a consumer demand. 
On the other hand an amp/speaker combination should be pleasing even at very low volumes too.
plus if you have tone controls they can do same job and better as they work in all volume settings.