Time to upgrade DACs

I am currently running a Marantz HD DAC-1 with a Bluesound Node 2i. With a $2,500 budget, I can't decide between the Benchmark DAC3 HGC and the Mytek HiFi Brooklyn DAC+. My streaming service is Qobuz. 

Please help me decide which one to go with and why? Other recommendations will also be appreciated.

My other equipment is YBA Integre DT amp (have 2 for bi-amping), Sonus Faber Grand Piano Home speakers, dual REL T9/i subs, good interconnects, speaker wires, and PCs. The room 15.5' X 20'  (sloped ceiling 8' at speaker end rising to 16') has been well treated with 10 X 4'x8'x4" acoustic panels.

My other quandary is whether or not to sell all off the speakers, ad the $2,500, and buy a new pair of Tekton Design Moabs and keep the Marantz HD DAC-1 for now.

Thanks for your help!

Sounds like you’re after larger scale and more impactful dynamics while maintaining excellent imaging. If that’s the case I think upgrading speakers makes the most sense as the GPs are on the small side and physics matter. Underwood HiFi is selling their new LSA 20 Statement speakers normally $7k/pr. for only $3999/pr. for a limited time, and they offer a 30-day trial period. If you don’t mind used, there’s a nice pair of Nola KOs for sale for $4500 ($12k retail) that with their multiple dipole drivers will yield a large soundstage with great dynamics and excellent imaging. Either of these would likely be outstanding choices. Best of luck.
In a room like yours, a side firing woofer and the right tweeter can do some extraordinary things.  The Scansonic MB-3.5B could be a pretty awesome speaker for you.  I first listened to them in a room that is about 15' x 25' with 15' ceilings. 

Placement is critical.  You would want to have them 8-9' apart and a solid 2' of space behind them.  That will leave 3-3.5' to the side of either speaker and your walls are treated.  

The scansonics have "raidho DNA" and regardless of what you think of Raidho's pricing, the tweeter they put in these speakers is unreal.  If you are looking for imaging and an extraordinary, three dimensional soundstage...and you have the right room, nothing beats Scansonic and Raidho.

The tough part for most people is the right room.   When you get the placement right, when the soundstage comes together it is immersive with the best imaging I have heard short of my own speakers.  

PM me if you are interested.  I am an authorized scansonic dealer and would even take your speakers on trade to make it super easy for you to upgrade.  Would need to talk condition but a very healthy trade allowance (~$1500) could make it an interesting option for you.  

I could also work with you on a Chord Qutest as a potential solution for your DAC.  Chord's to me have a more natural sound than traditional chip DACs.   
Thanks for the feedback and advice. Sounds like the consensus is to upgrade the speakers and put off the DAC upgrade for now. That said I should have about $5,000 or so to invest in speakers. My YBA Integre DT (2) are 50-watts per channel class A integrated which I love and plan to keep. (caps are redone, etc). So the new speakers will have to fairly efficient. 
Suggestions so far are:  Scansonic 3.5B,  LSA 20 Statement,  Nola KO also intrigued by the Tekton DEsign Moabs.

Please weigh-in on these and others and thanks once again for your ideas and experience...much appreciated. 
The Scansonics have an 89dB SPL.  At 8' from the speakers, peak output would be ~104dB, at 10' 102dB.  That is plenty for music for normal to reference listening.  A little light for home theater.