Quads 57 -

Ok. So let me start out by saying I am not in search for the worlds best speakers or the perfect setup.

I just want something that will make music to my ears and make my little toes tap with joys.My amp of choice is the Ayon Spirit III
My music is 80% Jazz, 10% Female vocals, 10% rock et. al. (paul simon/arlo guthrie, dylan eagles). My source is mostly Vinyl.
I currently have a B&W CM7 that I don't like much. Music sounds good, but no soul. Room size is 10 ft x 11 ft.
I top out at $4K on budget (and that's pushing it).
I am fairly close to pulling the trigger on a brand new refurbished 57 from Quads Unlimited.
So I guess what I am asking here is, if you have ever owned a 57, do you still have it? If not, how soon did you move on & why?
Kentaja, I have to agree with Stan on this one, from direct experience.

>>While there are many fine speaker mentioned in this thread none of them are in the same league as the Quad. The Quad is a legend and for good reason.

Agreed. I was not trying to suggest that any of the speakers I listed sound like a Quad. They don't. But all of them are better choices for this room geometry, IMHO.

>>Your room is small but either Quad will perform well if you pay careful attention to set-up. I have installed many Quads in rooms of this size with excellent results.

Agreed again. But just because it CAN be done does not mean that it SHOULD be done. A 10x11 room is problematic enough in and of itself, without the added complexity of finicky dipole placement/seating issues.
Set-up will be tough but can be done. While the speaker is technically a dipole the rear wave is well damped internally. From say 500Hz up there is little output from the rear. Some but not much. More of a dipole in the lower region.

I have local client with a pair of ESL63 in a room that is about 8'X 13'. I stated right up front I did not think the match be would good but since she was local I said lets give a try. The sound is amazing in the room. Nearfield yes, but the speaker sounds best in nearfield anyway. Once they were installed I was told they were not leaving!

Will set-up in that kind of room be ideal? No. But few of us are lucky to have ideal rooms or set-ups. Of course I am biased but I would take a Quad, in most situations, that is in a less than an ideal room than speaker X in the ideal room. They were designed for smallish British living rooms in mind. I see no reason to reject them outright just because the room is smaller than might be ideal.

If HP could shoehorn the IRS in his bedroom size room back in the day and proclaim it Valhalla I think one can fit the Quad in a small room with good results. Being a smart a** here but I think you get the point!
"Music sounds good, but no soul"

Can you tell me what soul is to you? When I think of electrostatics "soul" is not the word that comes to mind.

I also have had B&Ws and moved on because the mids had an odd coloration to them and the bass was lacking.
James63 is so right...anyway, I've owned the who's who of equipment and speakers, both electrostatic/planar and dynamic. My favorite speakers for actually enjoying the music and forgetting about the gear is Totem. I have owned The Winds, Forests, Hawks and Arrows. They all move your soul and have an uncanny ability to mezmerize a listener. 10x11 is not large but it is problematic for sound, as a square box is the worst shape for acoustics...you should have speakers along the long wall and your back against the opposite wall for starters. Totems are easy to place as well.
See photo below. It's not a square. It's got a cathedral ceiling ....
