VAC Preamplifiers

I am very interested in VAC preamplifiers to replace my GamuT D3i. I am wondering how much better the upper tier VAC preamplifiers are than the VAC Renaissance mkV with phono. Perhaps VAC owners can assist me....topology appears near identical throughout the line, so it must relate to parts quality and power supplies. Thank you!
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Thanks Jab!  I now recall a video from CES 2017 where Mr Hayes claimed that the, then new, Renaissance mkV was approximately 90% the sonics of his Statement preamplifiers at 20% of the price....very good trickle down effect...still a major $14,000 purchase for the entry level Renaissance mkV.
I run a VAC Ren MKV line stage (w/o phono) and believe it's by far the best value in the VAC line of preamps.  It does indeed borrow much of it's design from the Statement series.  I didn't compare head to head against the Statement but the sonic differences were almost indiscernible to me between the MKV and the Sig MKIIA (SE).  I was able to pick mine up used (less than 1 year old) and I can't imagine parting with it.  I run mine with a pair of late 60s 6922 NOS Mullards.
Thanks for your informative response three_easy_payments! I also read a review of the VAC Master which compared the Sig IIa SE with the Master. Although the Master proved superior, it was not striking according to the reviewer. So, it certainly appears that the Renaissance mkV is the best bang for the buck.