Shall I move away from Devialet ??? where to go?

I am using Devialet Pro 400 monoblock with Focal Aria 948 for the last 3 years but wanted to enhance the streaming and DAC level so I decided to go with Lumin T2 which brought a significant change in the sound body and stage. I am using couple of SVS PB1000 to support the low base as the Focals are not very low in base.

My question is, How Devialet compares to the other high-end amps in the market? Any once moved from Devialet to share his experience?

What else should I do to enhance the SQ to have more weight and enhance the sound stage? Is it the speakers?

Forgot to say that I am a fine details guy who loves analytical sound.

Appreciating your advise
My thinking is that the Devialets are amazing amplifiers and for your described sound preference, maybe Chord's new Ultima line might be a step up depending on your power needs.  Technologically, they are pretty amazing amplifiers.  That being said, I would be more focused on speaker upgrade than the amps.  You also have good subwoofers and could consider a lot of options including stand mounts.  

If you are looking for fine detail and an analytical sound, I can think of three speakers I would look at very seriously.  

Marten - The Oscar and Parker lines could be interesting for you.  They use Accuton drivers which are renowned for their accuracy.  Marten delivers pretty amazing quality at fair prices, all things considered.  

Vimberg - is a bit pricier and they also use Accuton drivers and these speakers are just unreal.  Tidal DNA, they are simply jaw dropping in terms of quality but the price does sting a little. 

Verdant Blackthorn 1 - These are mine.  We use Eton instead of Accuton drivers but this speaker is all about detail.  Highly analytic.  The carbon fiber cabinet is dead, and the level of detail delivered is perpetually shocking to me.    

PM me if you are interested in any of these.  
The carbon fibre cabinet is dead...sad....otherwise, once the Devialet (do you pronounce the "t?" I always wonder about that...and I do mean "always"'s a nightmare) has lost its luster you have to start from the beginning with an all tube system including a single ended tube amp, requiring efficient speakers. Do that and get back to me once it's done...
@verdantaudio Thank you for your response. 
Unfortunately, I have limited choices here in Dubai ... can find KEF, B&W, Wilson, Focal, Martin and few more.

I tried Wilson Yevette with Devialet 200 in my dealer's store and the SQ was amazing especially the mids and the soundstage.

Also I tried the B&W 802D3 with Krell but I didn't like them at all. the sound is too harsh and soundstage is not that good. I heard a lot about them but I am not sure why it did'd sound good. Maybe because of the Krell amp !!

Have you tried and of these speakers with Devialet? I'd like to know your opinion.

Any other recommendations??