want a CD player upgrade

Hi,I am currently using my Cambridge audio 851C with new SR blue fuses and a Synchro Mesh reclocker as a transport and using the DAC in my McIntosh C2600 preamp. I would like to upgrade. In the past I've had a Sim audio player in a different system, which I liked, in the last 2 years I've tried PS audio transport and DAC and another highly reviewed DAC both sounded a bit different but not better, meaning just a different digital sounding unit. I now live in South Carolina so I know of no place to listen to players. I think I would prefer a single piece player rather than a separate transport and DAC but i'm flexible on that preference. I've read nice reviews on the New Bryston player, as well as the Marantz Ruby, CEC also seems well regarded. I love the sound of analog but have too many CD's to give up on that part of my habit. Have you heard any of the above players? If not what would you recommend ? I would like not to spend more that 4K but I will admit (sadly) I've gone over budget a few times in my life.Thanks
Ag insider logo xs@2xdonpepe
the Marantz Ruby is quite good, the Hegel Mohican is maybe better, and both used are well under your price, with the Marantz usually available used...
Just purchased an Ayon CD-10 11 and placed it into my system last night. It has tube rectification and tube output. One box unit with some features not usually found. Sounds good right out of the box but letting it run continuously. Negotiated it at $4500 shipped. Pretty sure I’ll be pleased. You can PM me if you want. Serious listening will happen tomorrow night. I’m mainly vinyl and tubes. North of Atlanta.
Spent forever shopping used Esoteric, EMM and a few others. Never had any Ayon equipment but this thing is heavy, built.
Pre-owned REGA ISIS Cdp.
if possible, stretch it to the REGA ISIS VALVE cdp

Google the reviews .... 
Based on my use of an Ayre C-5xeMP, I would highly recommend an Ayre C-7xeMP. I also know of a used Cary 303/200 in SC. It has AES, coax & toslink outputs for use as a transport, but it has an excellent DAC and audio section.