
Yamaha really made this statement:

Glossy black piano finish provides improved signal-to-noise performance



I thought I would seek opportunity to hear these speakers, but now I do not think so






Marketing for Yamaha teams differs from region to region. As far as I know, there is no mention of the finish improving signal to noise ratio on the Canadian or American websites for Yamaha.
"Unfortunately the day of a boxless point source full range loudspeaker still seems quite a long way off - "...

....yeah, 'boxless' is the hard part.  Even the Ohm F's & A's had their base cabinets, and certainly had their issues.....the new ones' as well...

Funny how 'point source' never seems to go hand-in-hand with 'omni'....

Thanks for that, it was a pleasure to read such an informative post! 

It just confirms that when these giant corporations such as  JVC, Pioneer, Sony, Yamaha etc really put their minds to it, it's often well worth having a closer look.

Especially their loudspeakers.


Lincoln Walsh and his interesting designs seem to have somehow become forgotten by the audio world.

The new Ohm Walsh speakers (2000/3000) are near the top of my 'must hear' wish list - once the shows can start up again.
I wouldn't let the marketing crew distract me from checking out this speaker.