Millercarbon, it’s primarily commercial activity that causes wild AC.
What exactly is "wild AC"? Born Free wild? Into the Wild wild? Wild child wild? Please explain.
I’m thinking AC being turned to DC for audio equipment, and I know exactly how it works.
Really? Do tell. Seriously. Interested to hear. On the edge of my chair. Leaning forward.
Since you’re comparing it to purifying water, maybe you’re the one who doesn’t know how it works.
Actually I said that is the way you’re thinking of it. Which you are. Otherwise you’d understand.
Since when did I say that’s what they do?
Since when do power cords purify AC?
As usual Millercarbon, you’re getting totally ludicrous.
I see. So you made the comparisons and heard something different? No. You’re just trying to deride an idea you don’t understand without taking even five minutes to try and see if its true. Now who’s being ludicrous?