if you remove 100% brick wall limiting from digital audio will it sound like vinyl

Sam here again and I've noticed the less digital brick wall limiting an album has, the more it sounds like vinyl. If you remove all the brick wall limiting for the loudness wars will it sound the same as vinyl? And if upsampling to dsd moves the noise well above 22khz will downsampling back to 16/44 flac using a high pass filter to remove all noise above 22khz remove the digital brick limiting and sound more like vinyl.
It’s more complicated. There are inherent problems with CD playback, always have been. The top three problems are scattered laser light getting onto the photodetector, external vibration affecting the laser assembly suspension as well as the electronics, fluttering and vibration of the disc Itself due to not being level during play and out-of-round CDs.
I agree with you, but certainly the out of round and vibration issues are just the same if not worse with vinyl, and clamping systems in better transports ameliorate the vibration problem a good bit.
The difference is nobody much knows about the fluttering CD and out of round CD problem whereas everybody and his brother knows about the vinyl warping issues and vibration issues and out of round issues. Most people assume error correction and laser automatic servo feedback fix the CD isssues.