TRL Marantz Sa-14

After speaking to Paul at TRL I am very curious to hear from those who own this unit what improvements do you hear with the player before and after the mod.

The SA-14 sounds weak in the bass and has no dynamics in comparison to some players like the Sony Scd-1 in stock form. Has anyone compared the TRL Sa-14 to the Sony Scd-1?

It is well established that the specifics of circuit and parts changes are not released by TRL. This is troubling to some people, others could care less if the outcome is something they are happy with.
That said, I do know that they use some of that wire that goes into their reference power cords and that supposedly is the break in from hell for that stuff.

For whatever reasons, it has taken all of the 500 hours or more for the mods from them that I have had to really settle in.
I just kind of enjoy the ride.
My SA14 is at 324 hours with the upgraded mod.


It has improved over this time like most units usually do. The times I have noticed the most is when I have not listened to it for a few days and then play a CD.
I agree, it is a mysterious and debate provoking process.
I agree the whole break-in discussion is a little mysterious especially with TRL claiming 500 hours is necessary when other companies say 100 hours is enough. All I can say is my system is sounding better every day. My son even commented the sound is getting "wider and deeper". I'll just let it keep playing.....
I'm not so sure that TRL says that 500 hours is a magic number. IME, as one's music system gets better sounding, more changes are evident with break-in. If a system hasn't very much resolving power, one might not hear any change with break-in. So, some will hear differences with breaking-in a player or cable or... and, some won't notice a thing.
There's plenty of room for both camps in this crazy hobby.
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I'm approaching 150 hours on my TRL. You would have to have a pretty low end system to not hear the differences between the straight out of the box player and how this player currently sounds. The soundstage has gone from flat to extending one to two feet outside of each speaker and to about 5 feet behind the speakers. I'll just let it keep playing.....