Shootout of Nos 6sn7 tubes

I will have shootout between TS BGRP, RCA vt231, KR vt231, Syl vt231, Raytheon vt 231 and "Bad boy" next weekend.

If I get MELZ 6N8S 6SN7 Metal Base next week, then I will also include it in shootout

RCA5691, Psavne Acme 300B, Psavne Acme 805 are also being used in Line Magnetic 508 amplifier.

Speaker will be Lansche 4.1 with plasma tweeter.

Digital source will be Dave and HMS fed by ripped CD stored in ssd drive of Cocktail audio x30.

I will play

Eva Cassidy's 'Autumn Leaves"

"Trinity Sessionn " by Cowboy Junkies

For classical orchestra, "Trittico" directed by Fennel.

"Still harry after all these years" will be for fusion jazz.

Any more suggestion gentlemen and ladies.


i understand what you mean by mixing tubes.

Schitt Freya also use quad 6sn7 tubes, two for gain, two for buffer.

Kenrad  vt231 at gain and Syl vt231 at buffer work best for me.

I got delivery of this 68ns Melz tube made in 1953 about 2 hours ago.

It took six weeks of wait from Ukraine.

But it is worth the wait.

This is the most exciting 6sn7 tube that I had tried in my Line Magnetic 508 amp.

it sounds very dynamic with excellent details, wide and deep soundstage.

Compared with famed 1578 Melz ( I have two pairs made in 80 and one pair made in 83), 1578 give slightly more bass slam, even wider and deeper soundstage.

While 1578 has clean treble, it sound rather closed in and bass heavy, but this 68ns Melz tube made in 1953 give more lively treble and details although its treble has slightly hard edge compared with 1578.

I am playing old rock. It seems that they are playing in front of me.

This is a steal at 65$ including shipping for pair which cost one quarter of 1578.

I place an order of two more pairs of this.

It is going to be interesting if I can compare this 6n8s tube with Sylvania wgt metal base.

I have Sylvania wgt brown base which sounds similar to this 6n8s but 6sn8s give more dynamic sound.

But it is not easy to get Sylvania wgt metal base at reasonable price under 300$ per pair.
So, 1950's tubes made in the same factory but with different plate construction. I read about these, but never found a review until now.

I tried Syl 6SN7WGT brown base, but was too extended and thin in the highs for me. Would like to hear your review of the metal base, but they are expensive and hard to find.

Now that I've spent some time with the 1578's, the TS Round plates sound sweeter and are more holographic. 1578 goes deeper with tighter bass. I'm so.pleased with my purchase, I ordered another pair of 1980 1578's.


I am quite impressed with 6n8s made in 53 with sparkle and air in addition to great bass.

Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen sounds so real through this tube.

I recommend you to get 6n8s metal base made in 1950 which cost less than 100$  per pair.