could you please provide us just one link Kenjit, a single as in 1 link, to a single speaker that you have designed, tuned and built?The short answer is no. Much of my experience comes from retuning existing designs that i already own. Its also a work in progress. I do this for my own benefit. Only I decide how much of what I do is shown to the public. You are not qualified to validate what ive done since the kinds of speakers that you find acceptable do not meet my high standards and its unlikely your ears are good enough to hear anything better than what youve already heard. You cant evaluate a speaker from pictures anyway.
Forgive me if I am confused Kenjit. What good is that research Facility and massive measurement lab if their speakers are not tuned correctly?That is a good question which you would need to ask Dynaudio. Dont hold your breath.
And perhaps you could clarify the fact that you have stated numerous times that it’s best to properly tune a speaker by hand and ear but now you say that approach is wrong. Im confused...You can believe what you like. Its not as if there is only one way of doing things. Every designer thinks they know best. I personally believe in custom tunIng BY HAND AND EAR. Other speaker companies dont know what the heck they’re doing so they use both measurements and then tune by ear.