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Is it possible to transfer analog tone and soundstage of vintage reel to reel to digital.
I’m going to do and end run around Mr. Smarty Pants 👖 roberttdid, roberttcan, atdavid, whoever he is and get back on track for just a second, and say that digitally remastered cassettes - they’ve been around like forever - are an excellent compromise between analog and digital. Very high signal to noise ratio, dynamic range, information retrieval !! and capturing much of the analog sound of the original source. The advantage of portable cassette playback - no angry PMs please - is it avoids all or most the pitfalls of CD playback, e.g., expense, power cords, speaker cables, interconnects, AC power, AC ground anomalies, fuses, transformers, Scattered light issues, fluttering disc issues. Having said that, pure analog tape usually has better high frequency performance and is less hard sounding that “digalog” type cassettes. |
a TROLL is a person who starts flame wars or upsets people on the Internet by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] **** extraneous, or off-topic messages **** TOPIC: Is it possible to transfer analog tone and soundstage of vintage reel to reel to digital. Geoffkait, The advantage of portable cassette playback - no angry PMs please - is it avoids all or most the pitfalls of CD playback, e.g., expense, power cords, speaker cables, interconnects, AC power, AC ground anomalies, fuses, transformers, Scattered light issues, fluttering disc issues.One of these things, is not related to the other, one of these things just doesn’t belong. |