How much $ in used gear streaming to beat $5000 CD player

I have a Exemplar Audio modded 105 Oppo tube cd payer and have no experience with computer audio. All CD and records. What would it take to equal, come close or beat my CD player or any other in Exemplars class or category. Everything will be bought used. If you had to pick gear on Audiogon to match it what would it cost you.? If you have time can you suggest a combo of pieces/brands including dac that would make up a complete set up for computer source plug and play in this category/price range, any guidance would be appreciated, thanks
Paulcreed Soix suggestion will astound you , imagine a huge music library with a touch of a finger on your iPad , phone ect including worldwide internet FM, no computer skills required. 

Innuos servers / streamers are one of the very best sound quality on the market today including AudioMirrors SE dac this would certainly be a fabulous choice .
Paul - the benefits of bypassing the Computer and going straight to the purchase of the streamer (Innuos) in combo is where a lot of magic happens. Far more musical!
I don’t have the Tubadour but given the reviews it’s a solid bet. You can obviously start stock and upgrade to SE later for a significant improvement if that works better for budget reasons. I personally hate dealing with computers and will never use one as a source so a streamer would be mandatory for me, but good sound is certainly possible through a computer if you have the knowledge and/or patience. A used Zen Mk3 and a new Toubadour SE would be about $5k, so if that’s your budget I’d just bite the bullet and solve everything at once. You’ll be thrilled, and life’s too short.

pick a decent streamer, then pair with chord qutest or rme adi 2 - if you like sweeter softer sound lil tubey try lampizator or higher schitt multibit like yggrasil