Upgrading my Sovtek 6922 vacuum tubes

I realize that tube rolling is probably the most subjective discussion on this planet. However, I need some help. I'm currently running a Pathos classic one (MKII) integrated amp that uses Sovtek 6922 preamp tubes. They sound good, but to me, I would like to have more bass response. My budget would be $100-150 for a pair. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 
Some USA-made 6DJ8's will be a significant upgrade over those Russian 6922's! 
for better bass response try Amperex 7308, Siemens E88CC or any Holland E88CC. All from early to mid 1960 production.
If you want to keep the same character of what you are having now but with everything way better try Voskhods 6N23P from 1976-1978 period.
If you want new production ones try Gold Lion E88cc. Bear in mind that most advertised as NOS tubes are used, the few true NOS left are way too expensive. That does not preclude trying a little used tube from the golden era. Find a good vendor who can supply tested tubes. Still you may find that you do not have to spend your budget.
I have the Pathos Classic One MKIII and have tried many types. My suggestion is to get a Platinum grade, matched pair of Matsushita 7dj8’s. These are excellent, affordable and will work great in your amp.

I tried Matsushita 7dj8 in a Herron preamp, didn't find them to be anything special sound wise